Friday, 27 February 2009

'The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down'
psalm 145 : 14

Thankyou to Karen for her thoughts:

Karens thoughts are:

"My child" he will say
"It is not failing or falling that matters,
But staying on the ground.
Come stand again"

And he will stretch out his hand to you and help you to your feet.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

I Know Every Bird Of The Heavens
The Creatures Of The
Field Belong To Me
Psalm 50:11

Friday, 20 February 2009

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

I woke this morning to a beautiful, crisp, sunny morning...
Praising my LORD for life!
Not here on earth, but for what is coming when Jesus comes again.
Faith is all we need even through all the trials of life here on earth subjects us to.
I pray today your faith is strong!
Blessings to you all.

Thankyou To Beverly A Sams for Sharing Inspiration with us.
What a wonderful way to start your day!

Monday, 16 February 2009

Feeling Safe!

Psalm 19 :23

The Fear Of The Lord Leads To Life,
One Will Sleep At Night Without Danger.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

A big Thankyou to Larky Lady, who very kindly agreed to 'Share an Inspirational Thought' with us

Isaiah 40 : 31

But they who wait upon the LORD
shall renew thier strength;
They shall mount up with wings as eagles;
They shall run, and not be weary;
And they shall walk and not faint

Larky Lady Adds

"My trust is in the Lord that gave his life that I may live!
Thinking of Eagle's wings as support is like having the LORD upholding me
every day!
No weariness or weakness,
only strength in him!"

Friday, 13 February 2009

Isaiah 49:15

When I feel Like no one cares

Its so Good To know Jesus does !

"See ... I Will Not Forget You ...
I Have Carved You Upon The Palm Of My Hand.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009


Thanks for stopping by.. A few years ago I spent a lot of my time asking lots of people for a thought that had inspired,encouraged,and even spurred them to carry on .. many people (some famous!) kindly wrote down thier thoughts and allowed me to write them down (acknowledging them of course) and put them all together in a little booklet.. which was called you guessed it..
'Inspirational Thoughts'

So over the next few days I will be placing these wonderful messages of encouragement onto this blog, in the meantime if anyone has any thought/quote they would like me to add to this list please feel free to contact me via E mail.

I would really like to share these with you now, be inspired!

Sarah xx